ISSN: 2265-6294

Representation of Time: Interpretation of Theme in Selected Poems

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Korakoch Mounggam


The concept of time is often addressed in literary works. The interpretation of the symbolic meaning of time is, therefore, crucial to the understanding of the theme, meanings, and underlying meanings behind the poet’s work as a whole. To understand the representation of time in poetry, three questions were addressed: What does time represent in the selected poems? How is the representation of time related to the theme of the poem? How is the representation of time and theme supported by the use of literary devices? Eight poems were examined in this analysis: King Solomon’s poem A Time for Everything, Robert Frost’s poem A Time to Talk; B. J. Morbitzer’s poem A Time to Believe; Isobel Thrilling’s poem Children in Wartime, Maya Angelou’s poem In and Out of Time, Carol Ann Duffy’s poems Mean Time and The Wound in Time; and John Milton’s poem On Time.

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