ISSN: 2265-6294

Residual Stress Analysis on a Fractured Double Drive Shaft Assemble – Tarantula Panser

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Wawan Rukmono,Purnomo Yusgiantoro,Sovian Aritonang,Jupriyanto,Nono Darsono,Toto Sudiro,Maykel Manawan


The level of residual stresses is of great importance for many applications. In this work, the XRD residual stress analysis was used to characterize ‘double drive shaft assemble’ to find if it’s the cause of the failure. The highest stress levels were found in the heat treat or mechanically machined specimen, while considered negligible stresses along transfers direction. In addition, shear stress and texture are observed in the sin2 ???? – strain curve. Further results and discussion are presented in this study.

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