ISSN: 2265-6294

Review of Security Threats in Cloud Computing and its Protection

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P. Mahesh,Dr. K. Srinivas,Dr. Santhoshkumar,Dr. B. Rajalingam,Dr. JawaherlalNehru, Dr. M. Vadivukarassi, S. Bavankumar


Cloud computing is an emerging discipline in today's generation. From texting someone to streaming any video online, we're generating huge amounts of data. It's important to keep this large amount of information safe and secure, and that's where cloud computing comes in. Cloud computing is a growing model that has attracted a lot of researchers in recent times due to its ability to reduce the costs associated with computing. The key issue with cloud computing is cloud security and proper implementation of the cloud over the network. Cloud computing is the only generation that can secure and maintain interesting records with the help of remote cloud provider hosting. In nowadays world, records are increasing daily. The cloud issuer provides its offerings via the internet and makes use of many internet technologies that get up new security problems. In this paper, we are going to analyse cloud computing, demanding situations in cloud computing, Security threats associated with it and protection of those clouds, with the current protection threats in Cloud computing. The paper additionally discusses lots of open research problems related to the cloud safety.

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