ISSN: 2265-6294

Review of the strengthening of the Ecuadorian banana industry

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Carola Pinos Ullauri,Magali Calero Lara,Pedro Miranda Ullon,Rafael Muñoz Rodríguez


In Ecuador, the banana industry is of fundamental importance within the model of accumulation promoted by the Government, which is characterized by a primary-export matrix, which is why the role played by the National Government of Ecuador in the face of the enormous potential for growth of exports of its banana industry is of utmost importance. This bibliographic study aims to review the available digital contents that explain the situation of the strengthening or evolution of the Ecuadorian banana industry in recent years, especially in exports. The results provide a brief historical review of some of the most important aspects that characterize the evolution and development of exports in the Ecuadorian banana sector, in addition to other expert presentations on the results obtained in the industry in recent years. In short, it can be deduced that although some internal and external factors have negatively affected Ecuador's banana exports, the country is still positioned worldwide among the main banana producers for many years, in addition to emerging internally as the first sector in terms of non-oil exports. Furthermore, according to official data, banana exports during the last decade have reported significant growth.

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