ISSN: 2265-6294

Revitalization of Social Welfare Integrated Data Arrangements (Swid) To Treatment of Poor Elderly

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Dwi Rianto Jatmiko,Hartiwiningsih,I Gusti Ayu KRH


Elderly people who are neglected and in poor conditions are certainly unable to meet their various needs. This condition requires the right steps and efforts from the government so that the poor elderly can live decent lives. This study aims to find the ideal concept of revitalizing the Integrated Social Welfare Data (SWID) arrangement for the treatment of poor elderly. This study uses an empirical juridical method. Law is a manifestation of symbolic meanings of social behavior as a result of social interactions between them. Data collection was carried out by interviewing 16 Heads of the Coordinating Team for Poverty Reduction (TKPK) and Heads of District Social Services in Central Java and East Java Provisions. Data analysis uses qualitative analysis with inductive logical thinking. The results of the study show that the ideal concept of revitalizing Social Welfare Integrated Data (SWID) arrangements for handling poor elderly includes: (1) More serious efforts from local governments in supporting One Data Indonesia (SDI) as a basis for determining public policy. (2) TKPK must be able to function optimally in supporting the realization of SWID updates through the Social Services. (3) Form a Task Force for Extreme Poverty Eradication whose task is to accelerate data verification and validation. (4) Make amendments to the Regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 2019 concerning Integrated Data Management for Social Welfare, namely by adding special data collection on extreme poverty to prioritize.

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