ISSN: 2265-6294

Security Control And Safety in Indonesia’s Sea-Based by Building the Maritime Domain Awareness

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Panji Suwarno,Ferry Kurniawan,Pujo Widodo,Lilly S.Wasitova,Nining Parlina


International community has recognized Indonesia as an archipelagic country, by signing of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the International Sea, with the establishment of three Indonesian Archipelagic Sea Lanes (ALKI) as Sea Lane of Communication (SLOC), Sea Lane of Oils Trade (SLOT) and Sea Lane of Economic (SLOE)and the presence of four of the nine Choke Points in the world. Thus, Indonesia's position along with the potential for marine wealth in it becomes a challenge with a level of vulnerability, which can disrupt the stability of national maritime security and become a source of regional conflict, in the form of the emergence of Maritime Violence in the territorial waters of Indonesia's jurisdiction. The importance of national maritime security for the government has been conveyed through the concept of the marine sector, by making Indonesia the Global Maritime Nexus (GMN). Considering the condition and development of the strategic environment, it has affected the maritime environment in the Southeast Asia region, including the Indonesian maritime environment which is the Center of the Indo-Pacific region. MDA development as an effort to increase understanding of events in the sea and coastal areas as well as find the right solution in solving them, is carried out by all maritime stakeholders based on national interests at sea, both carried out by state and non-state actors to ensure national maritime security.

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