ISSN: 2265-6294

Selecting Items of Staff Academic Personality

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Azlizamani Zubir Salim


The Job Demand-Resources Model (JD-R Model) is an established model for assessing work commitment and psychological well-being. In this study, the researchers coordinated those recent advancements in identity research—the presence of identity types in the ancient Job DemandResources (JD-R) Model. This model classifies work-related distinctive into work requests and assets to forecast work commitment and psychological well-being. Firstly, the researcher investigates the contrasts in work requests, work resources, and work engagement with mental well-being over identity types. Secondly, the affiliations of work requests and resources, along with their work commitment and psychological well-being, concerning identity types. Thirdly, the examination of the practice can illustrate custom-fitted work commitment and well-being advancing mediations. The results appeared to suggest that distinctive identity types unexpectedly see work demands and resources and appropriately contrast work engagement and satisfaction. Besides the discoveries underlining the significance of work resources and work engagement, the mental well-being of the workers and the organizations may also pay more consideration to the coordination between employees and their personality types and work conditions.

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