ISSN: 2265-6294

Simultaneous Modeling Analysis of Poverty Panel Data in Jambi Province from 2011 to 2019

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Zulgani,Faradina Zevaya,Lalu Yuriade Mulana,Fadwa Rhogib Asfahani


This study aims to determine and analyze the simultaneous modeling of panel data from the development of poverty levels in Jambi Province. Obtaining an economic model that is able to explain the effects and interrelationships thoroughly multidimensional (dimensions of education, health, employment) on the poverty level in Jambi Province. This study uses the Two Stage Least Square (2SLS) method with simultaneous equation analysis using panel data where the annual time series data is from 2011 to 2019 and cross section data in 11 regencies/cities in Jambi Province. The results of the analysis show that the estimated model parameters are in accordance with the theory. Variables that have a significant effect on poverty, average length of schooling, life expectancy, Gini ratio, open unemployment rate and economic growth in Jambi Province are population, population growth rate, GRDP per capita, capital expenditure, teacher-student ratio, number of infant deaths. , tax revenues, household consumption, and exports. Investments in the dimensions of education and health have a positive impact on improving people's welfare with the largest change being in the poverty variable. On the other hand, optimizing local tax revenue has a significant impact on increasing local revenue which is also an alternative in improving the welfare of the people in Jambi Province.

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