ISSN: 2265-6294

Social Inequality: Claiming the Responsibilities of Citizen Engagement

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Nurul Zuriah, Nurfaizah, Amrah,Sardjana Orba Manullang, Anggara Setya Saputra, Fakhry Amin


Social inequality occurs due to the difficulty for the lower class to enjoy access to the results of the government's development. Symptoms that arise in society due to differences in ability limits and social status between people are called social inequality. The weak quality of life caused by socio-economic inequality will affect the future of the Indonesian nation. The involvement of citizens in solving a problem is indeed significant. The issue of social inequality certainly requires the participation of citizens. In this article, we analyze social inequality by looking at the perspective of the responsibility of citizens' involvement in overcoming this inequality. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with a literature review method. This study found that social inequality in society is caused by two things that come from internal and external factors. This social inequality has caused various social ills, such as poverty, increased crime, and moral decadence. The involvement of citizens is necessary for overcoming this social inequality, which can be done through a persuasive approach by inviting the development of harmony and complying with applicable regulations. The second is independent community empowerment through increasing human capacity and optimizing social capital.

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