ISSN: 2265-6294


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Inderjeet Kaur , Sadhna Trivedi , V.V.B.Singh ,Kaneez Fatima


Social media usage in India has grown exponentially in recent years, necessitating the formulation and implementation of laws and regulations to govern its usage. This abstract explores key social media laws in India, encompassing regulations related to content moderation, privacy protection, cyber security, and intermediary liability. The Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules 2021 stand out as a significant regulatory framework, imposing obligations on social media platforms to ensure the removal of objectionable content within specified timeframes. Additionally, the Personal Data Protection Bill aims to safeguard user data privacy, while the Cyber Laws of India encompass provisions addressing cybercrime and digital security. Understanding and compliance with these laws are imperative for individuals, businesses, and social media platforms operating in India's digital landscape.

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