ISSN: 2265-6294

Some of Stylistic Devices in the Novel of Jokha Al-Harithi “Celestial Bodies” (“سيّدات القمر ” جوخة الحارثي )

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Ilvera Irfanovna Salakhova,Vasilya Rinatovna Nabiullina


Modern Arabic literature of the XXI century is vividly developing nowadays and, therefore, it remains an insufficiently studied sphere of both interior and European studies of the Arabic literature. At the present moment the functioning of stylistic means of the Arabic language in the works of contemporary Arabic writers represent a special interest. The subject of scientific analysis in this work was the observation of figurative comparisons ( التشبببب ب ), metaphors ( الاسبتارة ) and metonymy (الكنرية ), discovered in the novel of the Omani writer Jokha al-Harisi “Celestial bodies”. Figurative comparisons ( البتشبببب ب بب ), metaphors ( الاسببببتباببرة ) and metonymy (الكنبريبة ) are stylistic figures that actively participate in creating the imagery of a literary text. They also give stylistic diversity, expressing in a figurative form the essence of objects and phenomena. The system of comparisons, metaphors and metonyms and the ways of their application reflect the author's worldview, make possible to characterize his aesthetic principles, moral and philosophical beliefs. The article focuses on the peculiarities of the style of the Arabic language and the functioning of different tropes and its meaning. All content of the article is logically interconnected and confirmed by quotes from original sources, examples are translated from Arabic into English.

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