ISSN: 2265-6294

Status of Reproductive Health: A Study on Santhal Women in Lakhimpur District, Assam

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Tarali Das, Nabarun Purkayastha


Health is a complete state of physical, social, mental wellbeing and not merely the absence of any disease or infirmity. Woman Reproductive health has gain greater recognition from the health practitioner and academician since 1970. In the mid of 1970, sociologists took interest in human reproduction. They began to question medical orthodoxy and with its existence and operation of health services and the role of medical profession within them. Some feminist group and sociologist felt that doctors were making the natural, normal physiological process or reproduction- conception, contraception, pregnancy and child birth in to medical events to be actively managed and controlled by medical experts who were alienating women in the process. The women reproductive health is a very sensitive issue in our society. Women workers from tea industry are one of the most vulnerable groups.

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