ISSN: 2265-6294

Strategy Of Alliance : An Analysis of Electoral Victory of BJP In Manipur

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Nameirakpam Bijen Meete


The Manipur assembly elections 2022 were fascinating from several perspectives. Quite a few scholars deliberate on the election results and offer reasons for not only the defeat of the Congress party in Manipur but also the rise of the current political dispensation at the centre namely, the Bharatia Janata Party in the state. Many opined that Small state syndrome, leadership problems within the Congress party, political defections, and claims against works initiated and completed during the Congress rule in the state are often cited reasons in most of these discussions. Of course, such issues and narratives certainly provided opportunity for the other parties to question the rule of the congress and undoubtedly became vital factors for the weakening of the grand old party in the state. Nevertheless, there are additional issues and political developments in the state that helped the BJP to win the election and formed the government in Manipur. This paper argues that the political developments such as the rise of ethnic based political parties, diktats of the insurgent groups on the voters, the weaknesses of the grand old party to dissipate the damaging perception over its governance during the 15 years of their rule, coupled with the alliance strategy adopted by BJP have outvoted the Congress in the state. The Congress were outvoted by the BJP both in the valley as well as hill constituencies.

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