ISSN: 2265-6294

Strengthening Village Entities to Recover National Economy

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Nur Imam Saifuloh,Nursini,Sabir,Anas Iswanto Anwar


The Indonesian economy has risen more quickly during the last 20 years. Unfortunately, the industrial and service sectors were responsible for this development. The agriculture industry takes only a minor share. More research is required to boost economic growth in this industry. Its essay discusses several variables that affect this growth, including emigration, land use, and government support in the form of village funds. As a result of lowering the potential of rural workers, the study's findings suggest that migration needs to be regulated. Migration has a negative impact on agricultural growth. The land is required for agricultural expansion. Even though the government has cleared property in some locations, it should be reconsidered. In the meanwhile, hamlet desperately needs money to support growth.

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