ISSN: 2265-6294

Synergetics of lexical innovations self-organization in the mental lexicon: interdisciplinary modeling

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Aldash Aimankul,Aldasheva Kamar,Seidamat Assel,Abuwufuer Adila,Nabidullin Aibolat


Synergetics studies self-organizing objects in all spheres where they exist. At the same time, each object of study remains in the field of view of traditional sciences, but synergetics adds its own ideas, terminology and conclusions. Synergetics proceeds from the fact that any object of its attention is systemic. It is customary to call such a system a set of objects of the same or different nature that are in mutual connection, and due to this the set acquires the property of integrity, i.e. new functions and qualities that do not follow from the functions and qualities of the constituent parts aggregates. A system is, for example, any tool that combines at least two elements. Then physical, informational, functional or other connections arise between them , creating a new system quality. If the system has many elements, then the connections between them multiply exponentially and it is not possible to determine their impact on the system quality by componentby-component analysis. Other ideas are required here, which are provided by synergetics. The system object is also the language. The language system is a hierarchical organization of language competence, which consists of invariant units (phonemes, morphemes, lexemes, grammemes, sentences, textemes), structured on the basis of syntagmatic, paradigmatic and epidigmatic connections between these elements at all language levels and serves to implement nominative, communicative, cognitive, phatic, voluntative, accumulative, translational, emotive, etc. functions.

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