ISSN: 2265-6294

The Agony of the Captive Woman: A Study in Euripides ' Helen and Synge's Rider to the Sea

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Mithal Madlool Al bedairi


Helen of troy is quite possibly one of the most inspired character of all times in all literature, ancient and modern. She has become a symbol of man's erotic desires and of the varied moods of womanhood. But at the same time, she can be regarded as a symbol for the miserable captive woman whose tragedy through the sea cannot be overwhelmed. The main goal of this study is to prove peculiarity of Helen and Maurya who are the two mourning female characters whose tragedy is caused by their struggle with the mighty power. Hence this study displays how Euripides (484-406 B.C.) and J.M. Synge ( 1871-1909) who are different two dramatists belong to diverse cultures (Greek and Irish) and to dissimilar ages ( classical and modern), be almost alike in tackling the agony of captive woman that reflect the natural common emotions of human hearts that are the same in all ages. The novelty of this study is determined by a new approach to study the image of the captive woman in Euripides' Helen(412 B.C.) and in Synge's Riders to the Sea(1904) and it is based on comprehensive, multidimensional study of such literary image from different cultural, historical and psychoanalytic perspectives.

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