ISSN: 2265-6294

The Change of Adultery Accusation to Continuous Dispute in The Gorontalo Religious Court, Indonesia

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Titin Samsudin,Zulkarnain Suleman,Zumiyati Sanu Ibrahim,Dedi Sumanto,Yowan Tamu


This paper was to analyze the judge decision on divorce due to Li'an that is transferred to continuous disputes occurs and to analyze how the judge transfers Li'an divorce decision to an ordinary divorce decision. This paper selected Gorotalo because in 2008 to 2021, there are high divorce cases (60-70%). The research subject was divided into three, namely couples who are married between 5-10 years, couples who are married for more than 10 years and judges who decides on the divorce. This research showed that there was a change in the accusations of adultery in continuous disputes in the Gorontalo City Religious Court and the absence of government efforts to prevent this case. This paper suggested a substantial redefinition of the wife who should be protected as early as possible. As a result of the judge's decision that made changes to accusations of adultery, the discrepancy continued to cause the wife to be a victim in everyday life. However, this study still has several limitations, such as the lack of informants especially husband and wife with evidence and the in-depth observations and interviews have not been covered in all districts and cities in Gorontalo Province.

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