ISSN: 2265-6294

The concept of the rule of inadmissibility of apology due to ignorance of the law

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Zahraa Hani Jaber,Abbas Hikmat Farman


It may happen and a person commits an act that he does not know that the law stipulates as a crime that is prohibited by law and the realization of which entails a penalty to be imposed on its owner, that is, when a person commits a behavior - violating a penal law - and does not know that his behavior is a criminal, and the lack of knowledge here is not decided because he is ignorant of the elements The criminal act of his behavior, but rather because he is ignorant of the existence of the law that criminalizes that behavior. This case is reasonable and possible, but it faces a fixed rule in criminal law, which is the rule that it is not permissible to apologize for ignorance of the law. The accused cannot evade criminal responsibility as a result of his ignorance of the law that criminalizes the committed act.

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