ISSN: 2265-6294

The Dilemma of the Legislation of Dprd Functions: Between Public Interests and Political Interests (A Literature Review)

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Suhardiman,Arif Darmawan,Joko Widodo


The People's Representative Council (Regional) has so far been deemed unable to present a satisfactory image as the representative of the people. In carrying out its duties, there are three main functions carried out by this legislature, namely the representation function, the legislative function and the control function. The sharpest highlight is the weakness of this institution; carry out its legislative function. Many factors can be put forward in relation to the "weakness" of the legislature in carrying out its legislative functions, ranging from unsupportive regulations, lack of information/data, lack of experts, inadequate facilities and infrastructure to the mechanism for the recruitment of council members. For the regional legislative body (DPRD), in Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government that the position of the DPRD is not solely as a representative of the people but also as an element of the Regional Government together with the Regional Head, causing the DPRD to "foster" its position by executive side. The implementation of a dual role in the Regional Head who is also the Regional Head, makes DPRD less flexible in playing its role as a legislator in formulating regional regulations. In addition, the inadequate quality of members of the DPR makes it difficult in the "bargaining" process: with the condition that bargaining power is greater on the executive side.

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