ISSN: 2265-6294

The Effectiveness Of The Spatial / Visual Intelligence Strategy In The Achievement Of The Students Of The Institutes Of Fine Arts For Boys And Girls In The Subject Of The Foundations Of Design

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Raghad Salman Khalil


Design Foundations is one of the main subjects in the Design Department as well as the Institute of Fine Arts, and It was found that the students struggle in understanding this subject due to its difficulty, which prompted the researcher to experiment with the spatial/visual intelligence strategy in simplifying this subject. The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of the spatial/visual intelligence strategy in the achievement of male and female students of the Institute of Fine Arts in the basics of design subject, as well as the differences in achievement according to the gender variable, and for this purpose three hypotheses were formulated. The study was limited to the students of the Institute of Fine Arts / the first stage for the academic year 2022/2023, in addition to the vocabulary of the foundations of design, as it is found in their curriculum.

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