ISSN: 2265-6294

The Existence of Islamic Education in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0: Analysis of Education Policies in Indonesia

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Hidayat,Mohamad Sarip,Avid Leonardo Sari,Budi Febriani,Fakhry Amin,Endang Fatmawati,Zainudin Arif


The ever-changing times have led to the need for changes in the field of Natural Education. Then the emergence of the industrial revolution 4.0 has caused an increasing demand for Islamic education to answer the various challenges that arise to remain relevant. This article aims to encourage a change or reform in Islamic education to face the era of the Industrial revolution 4.0. The method that will be used in this research is a qualitative approach. The data used comes from the results of the library study on the results of research or studies that have relevance to this research. This study found that Islamic education needs to be able to change itself if it wants to remain strong in the face of the times. Efforts to maintain the old system and shut themselves off from the times will make Islamic education slump and disappear.

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