ISSN: 2265-6294

The Implementation of A Parenting Program to Improve Character Values

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Deti Rostini,Reiza Anjati,Andriansyah Zulfiqar


Due to the lack of understanding of parents regarding parenting, as well as parental participation in learning activities, the school tries to involve parents in teaching and learning activities. This is what underlies the researcher to find out how the implementation of the parenting program in improving the instilling of character values in schools. In line with the results of Erlanti et al. (2016)'s research which shows that parenting programs are very much needed by parents. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the application of parenting programs in increasing the cultivation of character values. The results of the research conducted indicated that one of the main activities in the parenting program, namely the seminar, has been going well and has achieved the target. Meanwhile, the results of the parenting parent's daily activities were deemed to be still less than optimal because there were still many parents who were not present during the implementation. The evaluation is carried out by sharing between the homeroom teacher and the parents of the students. The application of the character values of Religious, Nationalist, Integrity, independence, and Mutual Cooperation in IT Adzkia Elementary School and Fathia Elementary School in Sukabumi had been implemented through learning.

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