ISSN: 2265-6294

The Implementation of Counter Cyclical Policy about National Economic Stimulus in Covid-19 Pandemic Era on Banking Sector (A Study in Regional Office 6 of Bank BTN)

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Moch Najib Imanullah,Risky Risyanto,Pujiyono Suwadi


Corona (Covid-19) pandemic is now endangering the people’s life throughout world. The Covid-19 affects debt-credit sector including MSME debtor, in which debtor finds difficulty in repaying credit installment later leading to non-performing credit or nonperforming loan. The policy in the attempt of stimulating national economy, in this case Financial Service Authority (OJK) issues some policies. In the attempt of solving the nonperforming loan problem during Covid-19 pandemic, OJK issues a policy in the form of loan restructuring. Bank BTN as one of banks operating in credit sector, particularly housing credit (KPR) is of course highly affected by the presence of Covid-19 pandemic. The problems that can be arisen is how is the implementation and the effect of countercyclical policy concerning the national economy stimuli in covid-19 pandemic era to banking sector in the house ownership loan in Bank BTN? This article used an empirical legal research. An empirical research is the one the data of which is obtained directly from the society or called primary data used as primary data and secondary data consisting law materials as the secondary (supporting) data.

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