ISSN: 2265-6294

The Implementation of Individual Learning Programs For Science Subjects on Photosynthetic Greenplants For Children with Mild Mental Impairment Grade 5 At Sdn 2 Pataruman Garut Regency

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Lilis Suwandari,Arianti Fauziah,Noor Yeni Irmawati,Indah Mayasari,Tommy Ilham Junaedi


The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of an individual learning program for science subjects on photosynthesis of grade 5 green plants for children with mild mental impairment which was carried out at SDN 2 Pataruman, Garut Regency. Children who are the subjects of this study are chledren who hae intelectual disabilities. This research used qualitative description method.and the data collection used interview and documentation In the implementation of individual learning programs, teacher have difficulty in compiling teaching materials about science that are in accordance with the abilities of children. Basically, in the implementation of individual learning programs, it is based on the results of child assessment, which aims to trace the abilities of the child, find out the difficulties experienced by the child, and determine the material to be given. who stated that individual learning programs are very important because they are a way that always seeks to accommodate the needs of problems faced by children with mental disabilities. The results of the study that the implementation of individual learning must be based on assessment before compiling the program to be given, because the results of the assessment are as material for consideration or information in accordance with the ability of the child to be optimized. As well as with individual learning programs, the material is simpler so that children can understand what is conveyed by the teacher.

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