ISSN: 2265-6294

The Importance of Performance Management in the EMRS Limpopo: SOUTH AFRICA

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Malatjie Dipolelo Norman, Nirmala Dorasamy


The principle of performance development management system (PDMS) was presented right into the general public market in 2001 as a device to help, determine, establish and also keep track of the efficiency of civil servants in an initiative to drive solution delivery. The reliable use of the idea has several advantages as well as adds significantly to effectively handling of organisations. Hence, it is most likely to cause enhanced top quality of care and responsibility in the stipulation of services. This study was carried out in order to examine the existing state of PDMS in the Emergency Medical Response Services (EMRS) in LimpopoSouth Africa. The strategy embraced in this research was a quantitative or measurable technique wherein, a survey was utilized for information collection. The outcomes expose that supervisors/managers are prejudiced in handling and also executing the system, making the present PMDS inefficient since, some workers are demotivated and also have actually shed self-confidence against the system. The paper discloses that, PMDS is not to be applied alone; rather, it needs to be made use of as part of a systems approach to drive efficient to advertise high quality care within the EMRS setups.

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