ISSN: 2265-6294

The Inhumane Humanity: Objectification of Women During the Great Partition

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Dipak Kumar Mandal, Sukhdev Singh


Fictional investigations into the inner anguish and societal problems that afflicted the subcontinent have been inspired by the tragedy of the Partition encounter. Creating Partition tales, in a way, is almost like a required act of ‘re-memory’ for the South Asian people who have either directly experienced Partition or heard about it via family lore and legends. Many imaginative people in India, Pakistan, and contemporary Bangladesh wrote literary and cinematic renderings of the Partition of India and the accompanying violent riots. The emotionally charged subject of Partition and the Holocaust that followed it inspired authors who felt it was their duty to portray the events in their work accurately. Several of the Partition's authors were there when the Partition Holocaust occurred and were even its victims. The researcher has examined the terrible experiences of partition and its effects on women in the current study work. She has also reviewed the position of women as either a blessing or a burden for her family and society at large. The inhumane abuse, brutality, and injustices that women endured impacted how women became aware of and mindful of their place in society, enabling them to speak out for themselves.

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