ISSN: 2265-6294

The Integration of Business Process Reengineering and Snell X's Enterprise Resource Planning For Efficiency and Effectiveness: A Case Study of Cosmetics and Household Sub Sector Companies

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Muhammad Isa Lufti,Muhammad Isa Lufti,Muhammad Kholil,Rizaldi Mu’min


This research discusses about the system improvement using Business Process Reengineering (BPR) framework integrated with Enterprise Resource Planning. The object of this study is the business process of cosmetics and household goods Sub-sector Company. This study carries the problem of supplier lead time when shipping raw materials supply which results delays in production. Furthermore, the Business Process Reengineering method used for this study aimed to reduce the sub-process time with support of IDEF0. Process mapping was carried out by doing interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) with three experts. This study results the process of As-Is and To-Be that reduced the business process time up to 36%. By the improvement of time efficiency, the cosmetics and household goods sub-sector company experiences rapid changes in working hours. In addition, with the ERP implementation of Snell X's, it helped the workers to carry out their job only by one integrated business management application.

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