ISSN: 2265-6294

The Internet impact on Professional Identity and Status among women Journalists in the UAE

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Khuloud M. Robari,Essam Nasr


The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of the Internet on the professional identity and status of women journalists in the UAE. In the UAE and worldwide, digitizing media and convergence to social networking platforms has been an exciting transformation for academics and professionals, especially those in the journalism industry. Because of the change, journalists rely more on the Internet and new technologies to do their jobs. As a result, the purpose of this thesis paper was to examine the impact of the Internet on the professional identity and status of women journalists in the UAE. The study relied on a qualitative research methodology through in-depth structured interviews with eight journalists from different media organizations in the UAE. The results of this study show that digital media has facilitated the role of journalists, as technology helps them save time and effort. The study also found that women journalists remain a supportive element in the media field, especially in cases where the presence of a woman is required to cover a feminist event. Women in journalism are valued in most parts of the UAE, as most institutions have incorporated the Gender Equality Law into their organizational structures.

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