ISSN: 2265-6294

The Islamic Cognitive-Behavioral Rehabilitation of Adolescents in the State of Qatar

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Moustafa Farag Abdelaziz Ahmed,Prof. Sulaiman Shakib Bin Mohd Noor


Islam is considered a necessary too to achieve a Cognitive-behavioral therapy for adolescents at several levels. The general objective is to direct the effectiveness of cognitivebehavioral therapy, which is based on a religious orientation, to improve self-esteem of adolescents. The researcher used the quantitative approach and the quasi-experimental approach to achieve the objectives of the study. The researcher reached several results, the most important of which is that adolescence is one of the vital and critical stages in human life, where thoughts, psychological beliefs and images of the self are formed. The researcher recommends several recommendations, most significantly is that there is a need to study adolescence from all scientific aspects, especially the behavioral and cognitive ones.

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