ISSN: 2265-6294

The Mapping Competitive Strategies in the Digitalization Era in Improving Marketing Performance: A Study on HandicraftBased Small and Medium Enterprises in Indonesia

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Ihsanuddin,Masnilam Hasibuan,Meirinaldi,Hery Dia Anata Batubara


This study aims to identify and analyze effective and efficient strategies for improving marketing performance in the digitalization era. Determining and mapping the strategy in this study is assisted by using SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis is one of the means of determining alternative strategies based on identifying external and internal factors. This research method was conducted using qualitative methods, with research subjects being small and medium-scale business actors through observation and interview techniques. The study results show that the strength factor is still able to respond to the existing internal situation, and the opportunity factor is still able to respond to the existing external situation. The SWOT matrix and SWOT diagram analysis shows that the small and medium-scale craft industry in Padangsidimpuan City is in quadrant I, and the marketing strategy that must be applied is an aggressive growth strategy.

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