ISSN: 2265-6294

The Political Attitude Of Members Of The Gorontalo Provincial Legislature Towards The Program To Be Discussed By Members Of The Gorontalo Provincial Legislature

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Arifin H. Jakani , Ansar Arifin,Mahmud Tang,Muh. Akmal Ibrahim


Political attitude can be translated as a readiness to act, to perceive a person or group to face, respond to political problems that occur that occur that it expresses in various forms. Political behavior can be formulated as an activity with regard to the process of making and implementing political decisions. Interaction between government and society, among government agencies, and among groups and individuals in society in the framework of the process of making, implementing and enforcing political decisions is essentially political behavior. The purpose of this study is to describe the form of implementation of regional autonomy with a case study on the Gorontalo Provincial government. The type of research used is a qualitative approach with the type of ethnogra pi research. The study was conducted in June-September 2022. This research was conducted in the DPRD of Gorontalo province. This research is supported by data derived from primary data through observation and indepth interviews. The steps to analyze the data that have been obtained that have been conceptualized by informants are carried out by ethnography, the first is to transcribe the data obtained from in-depth interviews and focus group discussions (FGD) stored in recorded interviews and field notes. Step Two, read the entirety of the data. The political attitudes of DPRD members towards the program to be discussed by the DPRD with the executive, include: dominative (control by the stronger party over the weaker), accommodative (steps taken to overcome differences or problems between two parties), compromising (to obtain agreement between two parties who have different opinions or disagreements), aspirational (strong hopes or desires to achieve something change that is more valuable than current and referring to future positive changes), and bargaining positions.

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