ISSN: 2265-6294

The Reality of Women's Empowerment in Military Sectors and its Impact on Family in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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V,Jameelah Mohammed Allaboon,Jehan Saleh ALerdi


The concept of empowerment first appeared as a contemporary management theory around the beginning of the 1980s. The 1990s saw a transformation. Its use was associated with decentralized management, which allowed supervisors and subordinates from various administrative levels and backgrounds, including scientific and practical ones, to develop their ability to carry out duties. Because empowerment organizes and activates functional relationships and increases productivity, organizations have realized that empowered workers are the true long-term sponsors for the continuity and development of work. They are also the ones who determine whether tasks are completed successfully or unsuccessfully. The opportunity for independence and freedom to perform their jobs without intervention from upper management is another benefit (Qasim, 2011, p. 567).

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