ISSN: 2265-6294

The role of the electronic Dictionary in the development of reading skills of French learners: Field study in Iraqi Kirkuk schools for the middle stage

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The role of the electronic Dictionary in the development of reading skills of French learners: Field study in Iraqi Kirkuk schools for the middle stage, Rana Muhammad Bakhit


The current study was aimed at identifying the role of the electronic dictionary(ED) in developing reading skills of French learners in Iraq. The analytical descriptive curriculum was adopted. The researcher prepared a questionnaire consisting of 20 paragraphs, and an open question about reading skills (RSs). suitable for students' age, after verifying its honesty and consistency, was applied to a sample of 65 teachers in the middle schools of Kirkuk during the second semester of (2022-2023). The responses were subject to statistical analysis, arithmetic means and standard deviations of answers, with the following results: - A list of RSs suited to the level of French middle-level learners varied from both oral and silent RSs. - Positive effects of using the ED to develop learners' RSs from the point of view of teachers. - There are no statistically significant differences at the indicative level (0.05) between teachers' average opinions on the role of the ED in the development of RSs of learners' French language subjects due to variables: scientific qualification, years of experience, number of courses in electronic techniques .

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