ISSN: 2265-6294

The Study Related to Teacher's Training and their Impact on the Academic Success of Students

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Abhinav Shrivastava,Prof Somesh Dhamija


Training is the process of acquiring the skills required in a certain field. Teachers have a great opportunity to develop their teaching skills through the training. All educational activities, such as the formation of a supportive learning environment, the formulation and implementation of a curriculum, and the evaluation of students, depend critically on teacher training . It is important to strengthen and emphasize the fundamental aspects of a profession, such as systematic theory, rigorous training over a specified amount of time, authority, community sanction, an ethical code, culture, and the generation of knowledge through research and specialization in teacher education. The aim of the study is to determine whether or not the training and development of teachers have an effect on the academic achievement of students. The total number of participants in this study is 698. For the purpose of the study, surveys and interviews are carried out to collect primary data. In the study, both the SPSS tool and the technique of regression analysis are utilized. According to the findings of the study, the amount of training and development that teachers receive has a significant impact on the level of academic achievement that students achieve. Pedagogical abilities can be improved with the use of training programs. Training and professional development opportunities for teachers are critical to improving both the academic achievement of a nation's students and the country's overall level of economic growth. The study is suggesting the teacher training is necessary to improve student academic performance. The process of teaching and learning is facilitated. Teachers and students should both be involved in this process. A trained teacher employs a number of instructional methods in the classroom. Teachers employ audio-visual aids regularly in the classroom.

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