ISSN: 2265-6294

The Use of Summation Home Media to Improve The Ability of Integer Counting Operations for Children with Mild Mental Impairment Class IV at Slbn Trituna Subang

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Teti Ratnawulan Surtiati,Dedi Riana,Mukti Amaliani,Theresa Heidi Agustini Kanadjara,Tyas Eka Sari


This study aims to assist students with mild mental impairments in improving their ability to count integers through the home medium of summation. In addition, this research was conducted to help teachers to facilitate the process of learning mathematics in summation through the medium of summation houses. The research method used in this study is a quantitative approach, where this approach is used to research or find out the improvement of the ability to calculate the summation of integers in students with mild mental impairment grade IV SDLB at SLBN Trituna Subang through the media of summation houses. The results of the study on the ability to count integers through the home media summation on the test results of the initial score of obtaining student scores of 50 and 40, after being given intervention through the use of home media summation there was an increase in the scores obtained, namely 90 and 70. Based on the results of research and discussions that have been carried out, it can be concluded that the use of summation home media can improve the ability to count integers in grade IV mentally impaired students. And the hypothesis results obtained to state that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, namely an increase in the ability to count integers after being given intervention through the home medium of summation. In connection with the results of the research above, the following suggestions are recommended: It is hoped that teachers will apply to learn with collaborative use of media to be able to stimulate students with mild mental impairments to be more active in following the mathematics learning process, especially in the aspect of integer counting operations in terms of addition. For subsequent researchers, it is hoped that they can develop this research problem in more depth so that it can contribute more useful knowledge to students with special needs.

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