ISSN: 2265-6294

Transgender Identity in India: Spatial Shifts Post-2019 Act

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Ngaopunii Trichao Thomas VedaYumnam Sudhir K. Maske


This study examinesthe influence of geographical location on the shifts in transgender identity in India, subsequent to the implementation of the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019. By analysing the disparities in rights, services, and societal acceptance between urban and rural locales, it underscores the complexities encountered by transgender communities. Recommendations for future research champion longitudinal studies, intersectional analyses, and strategies tailored to the context of the needs of thetransgender individuals in the country. By highlighting the importance of spatial dynamics in transgender identity post the 2019 Act, this study aspires to advance social justice, equality, and human rights universally, transcending the confines of gender identities and geographical boundaries, in India and beyond.

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