ISSN: 2265-6294

Understanding Level of Construction Actors in the Environment Local Government of Indonesia Regarding Design and Build Projects

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Ni Komang Armaeni,Dewa Ketut Sudarsana ,Anak Agung Diah Parami Dewi,G.A.P. Candra Dharmayanti ,Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra


A design and build (called DB) project is a work contract from the owner to an integrated contractor (with a design and construction contract system in one unit). These advantages come from the initial participation in the design process, and include a reduction in project turnaround time, lower costs and improved communication. The purpose of this study is to review the understanding of stakeholders in the design and build (DB) implementation system for government projects in Indonesia. To measure agreement, this questionnaire uses a likert type scale, as a scale and technique for measuring sikapind. The likert scale technique presents a set of attitude statements. In this case using a six-point likert scale. The study show that of the 37 respondents who gave their opinions, 49% of respondents expressed disagreement about the statement that design and build procurement requires high technology and 65% disagreed with the statement design and build is used for high-risk projects that could endanger public safety, human life, and the environment.

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