Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -14 | Issue -6
The history of Ireland is marked by successive waves of invasion and colonization. After the Normans invaded in the 12th century Ireland remains, at least in the north, in an imperial relationship with Great Britain to this day. But as a white European settler country, Ireland has been excluded from entry in early postcolonial discussion. However, with the creation of native body of criticism, it is Edward Said’s essay “ Yeats and Decolonization” (1988) which has played the vital role as an important catalyst for postcolonial study of Irish literature and culture. Yeats is considered here as a poet of decolonization who “during a period of antiimperialist resistance articulates the experiences, the aspirations, and the restorative vision of people suffering under the domination of an offshore power”(Said 220). Yeats is thus interpreted as one who gave us a major international achievement in cultural decolonization nonetheless.