ISSN: 2265-6294

Wilfred Owen: An Anti-war Georgian Poet

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Norah H. Alsaeed


The objective of this paper is to address if Wilfred Owen can be classified as a Georgian with reference to his poetic style and the topics in his poems. His poems deal with subjects which were closely related or considered with the subject of Georgians. The phase of this particular era lies between Victorian till Modernist attitude followed by Modernism: an outright sceptic approach to the existing ideologies. It also explores to address emphatically whether he should be considered only as a war poet. Apparently, the period of existence coincided with the publication of books or there is much more to his account. Moreover, in his writing style the reflection of romantic, sentiments and features that showcases hedonism. Eventually, the argument takes back into then history to discover the position of the poet and bring realization to the fact if he could be addressed as a Georgian. To establish the argument, a sharp contrast and comparison is brought to readers knowledge and left for the readers to decide.

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