ISSN: 2265-6294

Youth Policy in Uzbekistan (For the Example of 2016-2022)

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Jamshid K. Yusubov,Matlyuba M. Qaxxarova,Avaz A. Djuraev,Gulbakhor T. Isanova,Nigora A. Djuraeva


This article discusses youth policy in Uzbekistan (for the example of 2016-2022). Youth, as a category of the population in the current socio-economic situation, is the most unprotected. Due to social and economic problems, the difficulty of adapting to market conditions, it is among young people that the highest percentage is unemployment, and, as a result, in recent years, the level of deviant manifestations among the youth has been constantly growing. It is worth noting that young people have their own special functions in society, which are not replaced or implemented by any other socio-demographic group

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