ISSN: 2265-6294

Article 1870 of Indonesian Civil Code is binding and perfect evidence, it must be considered true, as long as it cannot be proven otherwise. In fact, authentic deeds made before a notary as a public official sometimes contain false information from intere

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Nailah Hikmatal Ulya,Yunanto Yunanto


Child marriage has adverse effects, including high school dropout rates, subordination in the family, risk of domestic violence, reproductive health, high maternal mortality rates, marital instability, and child welfare. Provisions regarding the age limit of marriage as an effort to prevent child marriage have not been able to overcome the problem, on the other hand the increase in marriage dispensation permits shows that the case of child marriage is getting higher. Marriage agreements in this study are expected to be a step to anticipate the adverse effects that occur even though child marriage is still forced to do. The results explained that marriage agreements can be implemented in the case of child marriage considering that the parties are still not able to do legal acts in a way under the help of parents or guardians. Forms of marriage agreements that can reduce the impact of child marriage must contain clauses that consider rights that are vulnerable to being violated in child marriage including the right to education, sexual and reproductive health rights, and the importance of marriage counseling.

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