Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
appiness is a positive inner experience and is often used interchangeably with psychological wellbeing, quality of life or satisfaction. But the definition of happiness is quite different anddistinct in the eastern world when than the western part. It has been described as multidimensional and does not center around the subjective wellbeing eliminating other dimensions as it is done in thewest. Happiness at work is important for organizational success. It leads success, achievements and satisfaction. Researchers have found out that happiness transform people to more creative, energetic and successful. To understand the relation between happiness and performance at work, a study was conducted in a plant of a Navarantna Company at Bhubaneswar, India. A total of 201 responses were collected from the selected plant using judgmental sampling technique. Happiness among the employees was measured as per the Bhutan’s GNH index excluding the national part from the dimensions. A structured questionnaire was constructed covering all the 9 domains in GNH index, 2010 with a slight modification in it. First 3 domains are familiar with human development perspectiveliving standards (housing conditions, earnings, wealth) education and health. Then the good governance, ecological resilience and use of time are the nest 3 domains. The final three domains were quite ground-breaking- psychological wellbeing (happiness including feelings and mysticism), cultural diversity and resilience and community vitality. The methodology we used to measure happiness was “Alkire-Foster method (2007-11) for measuring multidimensional poverty” as used in the GNH index. Whereas, the performance of each of the sample employees was taken from the following year’s office records as appraised by the company. There was no attempt made to reassess the performance of the employees by the investigator but the result was verified before taking it for analysis.