ISSN: 2265-6294

Constitutional Legitimacy of Measures Restricting Public Liberties: Procedures of confronting Corona Crisis as a Model

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Mohammad Abdallah Alshawabkeh, Chami Yassine, Souad Ezzerouali


This research aims at investigating the extent of constitutional legitimacy of measures restricting public liberties, through application on procedures of confronting Corona Virus crisis (Covid-19). It shed light on the nature of these procedures and their legal mechanisms, and how it influenced public liberties depending on the analytical descriptive method. The research manifested a set of findings, mainly: most of procedures and measures restricting public liberties that countries adapted to confront the Corona Virus spread crisis clearly lack constitutional legitimacy. Because these countries relied on multiple and distinctive legal frame works, such as the state of public emergency and exceptional circumstances, which made most countries resort to promulgating administrative control rules and regulations to implement these procedures, without relying on any constitutional grounds

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