ISSN: 2265-6294

Geographic Information System ‘GIS’ Role to Manage Urban Household Waste El Khroub City as a Case Study

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Boussetti Sandra


As all Algerian cities, El Khroub city is suffering from Environmental pollution problems, especially those resulting from the accumulation of urban household waste and such, as a result of the rapid growth brought about the discharge of Constantine's human overpopulation; various economic activities have made it more appealing; the population's high living standards as well as the lack of public awareness of the risks posed by deteriorating hygiene requirements; the city mismanagement; the city’s insufficient technical, material and human capabilities, in addition to the absence of the relevant competencies. Hence, the importance of GIS technology, which has become one of the world’s most important decision support systems; therefore, it is indispensable in rapid development areas, especially in solving large and complex problems and monitoring the solution and results thereafter .Thus, many computerized and accurate digital maps associated with databases have been created through the application of GIS in this study because they could not be created only with latest technologies. Our findings illustrate the description of the city’s existing waste situation, as well as the existing irregularities and issues in its management, highlighting the inefficiency and the uneven distribution of containers in the city in general and the residential neighbourhoods in particular. Based on the recent technique, a model of spatial analysis of the most appropriate geographical distribution of containers and selection of the best paths aligned to population and produced waste quantity, drawing on urban and environmental planning methods and norms that were proposed for the selection of optimal sites.

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