ISSN: 2265-6294

Glosematic Rhetoric Expression as Indonesian Language Learning in Linguistic Discourse at School

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Sri Wahyuni,Ida Zulaeha,Subyantoro,Hari Bakti Mardikantoro


Textual rhetoric is an approach based on the principles of (1) processibility, (2) clarity, (3) economics, and (4) expressivity in the form of using language effectively in a discourse with the aim of understanding the message contained in the discourse. The problem in this research is students have variations in the speed and fluency of expression in expressing different ideas and have a variety of speeds in capturing ideas so they produce varied discourses both in terms of expression and content. Furthermore, students in expressing ideas still use the discourse model, although writing learning skills cannot be separated from the experience factor and level of thinking ability in capturing ideas. Therefore, the expression rhetoric glosematic in the learning linguistic discourse of high school students needs to be researched. The purpose of this research is to find the expression of rhetorical glosematic in the writing learning discourse on a linguistic discourse of high school students.

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