ISSN: 2265-6294

Online Food Delivery Apps' Impact as Third-Party Logistics Providers on Malaysian Restaurants' Business Models

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Kiran Kumar Thoti,Sathiswaran A/l Uthamaputhran,Yusrinadini Zahirah Binti Md Isa Yusuff,Rooshihan Merican bin Abdul Rahim Merican


The entire landscape of the restaurant business has entirely evolved because of technological advancement. It has increased the use of online food delivery services and allowed us to compare rates, order food from the convenience of our homes and utilize these services easily. Food delivery apps have also improved their services by giving their customers more options which is delivery times and deliverymethods such as 'contactless delivery.' Some food delivery services even provide specialized options for specific dietary requirements. From this research paper, we would be able to understand the importance of the third-party logistics on the operations of restaurant business while this study also will identify the influence of the delivery app on the inventory management on the operation of the restaurant business. This research also will list out some issues of the delivery app that faced by the restaurant owner which helpsthe restaurant to upgrade their operation system to provide a better customerservice to the customersthat automatically increase their profits.

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