Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Colors constitute an artistic and aesthetic feature created by the Creator’s power , and it was a thing that adorned nature and people’s lives, and because of its effective importance and its distinguished position that cannot be overlooked or underestimated, its uses have multiplied and entered all fields, because of its psychological impact and ability to excite and irritable. And it sent calm and tranquility, so it became many different connotations that differ even in the same color.The study of color is one of the important studies that reveal an aspect of the poet's ability to portray, suggest and express symbolically, and thus it constitutes an important creative aspect. Therefore, my study was entitled (Color Patterns in Jabbar AlKawaz's Poetry). I went to study this field, and followed the artistic approach.The introduction of color into our life "has enabled it to occupy a high position, as it is a source of vitality, activity, and comfort, as it is a symbol of sadness and pleasure, and the latter obligates us and enters everything around us, because life is characterized by the different natural colors in all its living beings and assets, and each color has They have a special significance, and this is what prompted researchers to pay attention to different colors.