Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Enhancement results development agriculture reflected by increasing role sector agriculture in support growth high economy, fulfillment _ needs people will food, increases power buy society, as well increasing ability provision ingredient raw for development industry (Department Agriculture, 2008). Plant food, in particular paddy is plant main cultivated by some _ big farmers in Indonesia. Sub- sector problems plant food specifically paddy is exists gap productivity level _ enough farmers _ big compared possible potential _ achieved farmer. (Department Agriculture, 2008). One _ approach for increase productivity conducted through introduction varieties superior new productivity cultivated height _ with approach Management Plant Integrated (PTT). Chosen Subdistrict South Indralaya Regency Ogan Ilir South Sumatra Province as the place study this because have potency still land _ enough broad, however not yet comparable with large land existing agriculture _ utilized. Study this aim for now: 1. Factors influential production _ to production paddy valley farmers 2.Know the average productivity and income farming paddy valley farmer SL-PTT participants who get accompaniment full (strata I) compared productivity and income farming paddy valley farmer SL-PTT participants who get accompaniment no full (level II) and 3. Problems in implementation the SL -PTT program. As for results research obtained : 1. Influential factors of production real positive to production paddy valley is seed rice , urea fertilizer, NPK fertilizer , fertilizer organic , pesticide , broad land and power work . 2. Average productivity and income farming paddy valley farmer SL-PTT participants who get accompaniment full (stratum I) more big compared productivity and income farming paddy valley farmer SL-PTT participants who get accompaniment no full (level II). Difference productivity stratum I to strata II farmers of 393 kg of GKG per hectare and income Rp . 863,614 per hectare.