ISSN: 2265-6294

Strength Comparison of Flexible Pavement Structures by Road Pavement 2017 Manual Design at Trans-South Road LOT 7

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Machsus, Zidan Maulidani Kurniawan, Amalia Firdaus Mawardi, Achmad Faiz Hadi Prajitno, Rachmad Basuki, Mohamad Khoiri


The pavement structure plays a crucial role in road construction. Road pavement structure planning consists of various methods. Even one planning method can provide more than one design. Further analysis is needed to obtain the optimal design. This study comparation between the strength of the road pavement design results based on the Road Pavement 2017 Manual Design. By carrying out a case study on Trans-South Road LOT 7 in Indonesia, seven pavement designs were obtained, consisting of five designs using a cement treated base course and two designs using A Class aggregate type of base course. The strength between designs was calculated by using KENPAVE to obtain stress and strain at the critical point, which will be converted into the ESAL unit to determine the pavement design's ability to withstand vehicle loads against three types of damage: fatigue cracking, rutting, and permanent deformation. The results of the analysis show that the pavement design using A class aggregate type base has a higher thickness and strength than the cement treated base. The pavement design-2 exceeds the design load for the three types of damage during the service life with a pavement thickness of 4 cm AC-WC, 6 cm AC-BC, 17 cm AC base, and 40 cm A class aggregate type base. Meanwhile, other pavement designs are expected to fail due to rutting and/or permanent deformation before the end of the service period. For fatigue cracking resistance, all designs give satisfactory results.

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