Volume -14 | Issue -5
Volume -14 | Issue -5
Volume -14 | Issue -5
Volume -14 | Issue -5
Volume -14 | Issue -5
Universities and educational institutions are concerned with developing students’ research skills and motivating them to do research and hone their creative ability through inviting them to produce good research. The study aimed to identify the component structure of a research skill scale of Omani university students. The study sample consisted of 400 students from A‘Sharqiyah university on the academic year 2021 – 2022. A descriptive approach was used in collecting the data through Skewness and Kurtosis values. The suitability of the sample size for the use (EFA) was confirmed as its results showed the saturation of all the scale items with one component only whose Eigen value was 22.478 which represents 74.924% of the overall variance of the items. This is a high value and a good indicator of the reliability of this component. The validity of the internal consistency of the scale items was checked. The correlation coefficients of the items compared to the overall degree of the scale without the items themselves ranged between 0.827 and 0.872 which are high correlation coefficients. The findings also showed that the scale had high reliability indicators as Cronbach Alpha value was 0.988, and when the items were deleted there was no change in the Cronbach Alpha value which indicated that the scale items were connected, consistent and coherent. The reliability coefficient was calculated using the split-half method. The reliability coefficient of Spearman-Brown was 0.962, and the reliability coefficient of Guttman was 0.962 which are both high reliability coefficients. This also confirmed the reliability of the scale items. The study concluded that the research skill scale of the university students had psychometric properties and a good component structure which made it a proper scale capable of testing the degree to which university students possess research skills.